920D Custom Combo Kit for ES-335 With Nickel Smoothie Humbuckers and ES335-V Wiring Harness
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A Combo Kit for your ES-335 that includes a Pickup Set and Wiring Harness.
ES-335 Wiring Harness Upgrade
We specifically engineered our ES335-V Wiring Harness to easily drop into your guitar and totally transform your tone. Your guitar will have the classic sound of a vintage ES-335. The wiring scheme provides a tight, transparent tone. Unlike modern wiring schemes, it features a reduced treble cut, when rolling back the volume control. The highs sound clearer, especially with the volume pot rolled back. This harness effectively gives you a treble bleed kit function on each volume pot, without adding extra caps and resistors. If you are looking to clean up your tone and let your pickups truly shine, then the ES335-V is for you.
Smoothie Humbuckers
PAF - or "Patent Applied For" humbuckers are basically the holy grail of the guitar world. Our Smoothie Humbuckers nail the PAF tone. The neck pickup is a little lower in output, and the bridge pickup is a little higher, but not too much - around DC Resistance 7.2k and 7.8K ohms, respectively. The pickups are well balanced and dialed in to such a degree that you'll find yourself well on your way to legendary tone status - mentioned in the scrolls and cave drawings throughout the annals of Rock History.