920D Custom Rogue Lap Steel Loaded Pickguard With A White Polyphonics Pickup and Black Pickguard
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This Loaded Pickguard for a Rogue Lap Steel guitar is the newest addition to the pickguard family. It's loaded up with a Polyphonics mini humbucker to make your licks hotter than a slab of concrete in the Sahara Desert. If you've ever heard our Polyphonics pickups, you would know that they are incredibly versatile and perfect for any style of music. So, if you're trying to transform your Rogue Lap Steel into a flamethrower, look no further.
WARNING: This loaded pickguard has been known to produce music that can kill or entertain a grown man, so handle with ZERO care!
1 - Polyphonic Pickup
920D Custom 9-Hole, 3-Ply Rogue Lap Steel Style Pickguard
2 - 920D Custom Premium Knobs