Seymour Duncan SJAG-1n Vintage Jaguar Neck Pickup, 11301-01
With its original look and sound, our Vintage Jaguar neck pickup gives you a bright, articulate neck tone with just the amount of bottom, for that perfect Jaguar neck tone. The neck model is wound RWRP, reverse wind reverse polarity, to give you hum-canceling when used in combination with the Vintage Jaguar bridge pickup. Our Vintage Jaguar bridge pickup gives you a bright, sharp tone with a nice cut, for that perfect Jaguar bridge tone.This pickup is a drop-in replacement for Fender American Standard Jaguar sized pickups and will fit perfectly into the original cover and claw.We use hand ground alnico 5 rod magnets, vintage correct Forbon flatwork, and cloth push-back hook-up wire. The pickup is wax potted for squeal free performance. Does not come with cover or claw.